Sale price£22.99

U.P DIM contains a highly absorbable form of Diindolylmethane which helps to balance estrogen levels in the body, optimising levels as needed for both men and woman.

DIM is designed to help improve symptoms stemming from an estrogen imbalance.

Weight gain, low mood, ‘man boobs’, cellulite and severe PMS symptoms can all be triggered by excess levels of estrogen in the body.

DIM’s natural formula aids detoxification, helps the body balance hormones and improve signs of estrogen dominance that can cause unwanted symptoms and fat loss issues.  

Key Benefits

DIM contains 100mg of a highly-absorbable form of diindolylmethane.

It is a powerful aromatase inhibitor found naturally in cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, which can help the body rebalance estrogen levels.

For women, DIM can help improve menopause symptoms, PMS, mood swings, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome effects, and support healthy weight loss.

For men, DIM can help reduce estrogen dominance, support testosterone levels, improve prostate health, and gynecomastia alongside a proper diet. 

Nutritional Information

Serving Size
1 Capsule 
Servings Per Container
Typical Values Per Capsule
DIM (Diindolylmethane) 100mg

Ingredients: Soya Bean Oil, Diindolylmethane, Beeswax, Capsule Shell : Gelatine, Glycerin, Brown Iron Oxid


Fat loss

Tap into stubborn lower body fat faster.

Energy Boost

Reduce inflammation to help you feel energised.

How estrogen can harm your health

Toxic estrogen-like compounds flood your body every single day – from make-up and plastics to beauty products and soy. 

These compounds block natural estrogen processes in the body and can wreak havoc with your hormonal health. 

Weight gain, fatigue, PMS symptoms, mood swings and heavy menstruation are just some of the side effects women experience from excessive estrogen. 

Men can also suffer from fatigue, anxiety, decreased muscle mass, female fat storage patterns, and breast tissue growth (‘man boobs’) from estrogen dominance. 

No product will directly change your hormones. However, DIM can help put your body in a prime position to balance estrogen and lose fat more effectively.  

The natural solution

DIM can help your body detox harmful estrogens from your body to rebalance hormones with its unique, all-natural formulation from cruciferous vegetables.  

For women struggling with menopause symptoms, PMS, mood swings, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, weight gain and cellulite, the estrogen-balancing effects of DIM can help. 

DIM is a powerful aromatase inhibitor for men which can be beneficial to improve estrogen dominance, increase testosterone levels, and reduce the appearance of ‘man boobs’. 

It works by helping balance sex hormone levels by improving detox pathways and reducing the effects of harmful estrogens that are linked to weight gain and cancer.